Our Mission
Promote healthy life decisions through family education and community partnerships.
Did you know…
- Teens say that PARENTS (not their peers) most influence their decisions about sex, love, and relationships?
- Fourteen out of 1,000 children in Mississippi were victims of child abuse in 2016?
- Abused children are less likely to practice safe sex, putting them at greater risk for sexually transmitted infections like HIV?
“My daughter and I are still talking about what we learned at My Body, My Boundaries. If she ever gets in a risky situation, she will remember to RAD – Run away, Ask an adult for help, Describe what happened!”
“I learned how to talk to my kids about peer pressure, the consequences of sex, and staying safe.”
“I enjoyed the ‘bluntness’ when talking to the students. There was no sugar-coating the topic.”
“I now know how important it is to have ongoing conversations with my child about his body and physical boundaries.”
“I learned that if I get high or drunk that will affect me in all the decisions I make, including sex.”
“I liked learning from the other parents and students – their input helped me relate better to my child.”